Do you want to get back in touch with yourself with the help of creativity and joy?
Do you want to find what you want?
I support you to find your compass and focus for the next 4-6 months.
If you love to be creative with all your senses and create
out of your joy and love, then you are exactly right here!
We enter together into the space of creativity, magic and ritual.
Do you wish for more ease and joy?
You think it should be easier and more playful?
You want to follow your inner call,
but often you don't dare to listen to it?
Do you have the feeling that you don't know exactly what you want?
Or do you drift away from what you want again and again?
Do you have dreams that you always put on the back burner,
because other people and things are more important?
Do you feel that there must be something more, something else is possible?
But you don't know exactly what or how?
Then it's time for you to join "Find Your Vision" and
go on a journey with me to connect to yourself and your dreams!
You wish for your "own".
You want more space and time for yourself and your projects.
You want to become self-employed or take your self-employment further,
be independent, stand on your own two feet or just do what you want?
You want to create a project, that is for a long time on your heart...
Then give yourself this space and this time now!
Bark out on your very own path with "Find Your Vision and get Ready to create "!
Invite fun and play back into your life.
It can be easy!
You hear a calling or feel a vision.
You had a plan, but it did not work out...
Your heart tells you something, but until now everything else was more important?
You wish for more space for yourself in your life?
You long for more joy and lightness?
You think it must be possible somehow?
NOW is the time, NOW is your time!
Come back to yourself, listen to your heart and playfully create your next compass and focus.
Included is a meditation,
a creative process over several hours on the 3. or 9.March 2024 or as replay if you cant attend live.
+ a coaching session with Nataly 1:1 to ground and anchor your vision for which you want to walk the next months.
Part two, the 1:1, you arrange an extra date, included in the price.
You can pay directly with the links below via paypal or wise.
Bring your heaven down to earth!
250,00 €
Endpreis, versandkostenfrei in bestimmte Länder
Versandkostenfrei in folgende Länder: Albanien, Andorra, Belarus, Belgien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Österreich, Schweiz, Serbien und Montenegro, Zypern , Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Färöer, Finnland, Frankreich, Georgien, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Mazedonien, Monaco, Montenegro, Montserrat, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Republik Moldau, Rumänien, Russische Föderation, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Svalbard und Jan Mayen, Tschechische Republik, Türkei, Ukraine, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt, Vereinigtes Königreich Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
From US or other countries its easiest to pay via WISE.
Login to Wise and transfere money to directly in €.
Please add to your payment, your name, coursename and emailadress
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How long will you ignore your hearts calling?
How long will you postpone your dreams?
When is your turn?
When are you allowed to stand up for yourself or will others always be more important?
What needs to happen?
Are you afraid of what could happen when you realize your dreams?
Together it is always easier!
Come into my world and see what it takes to follow your call?
See how the miracle unfolds and everything is there,
what you need and ways magically open up, which you have not yet seen.
Embark on a journey to yourself.
Give yourself this space and this time!
Newyear is calling already and we enter the realm between the years, where the new year is been born.
From US or other countries its easiest to pay via WISE.
Login to Wise and transfere money to directly in €.
Please add to your payment, your name, coursename and emailadress
Thank you
I am looking forward to welcome you!